Sunday, November 10, 2013


Hello Everyone! 

Welcome to European History! Let’s introduce ourselves and answer at least two icebreaker question. Feel free to answer more. 

1) What’s your favorite town/city in the world? Why?
2) Share with us a fun experience you've had recently.
3) Sing a few lines of a song you love. (Don't tell them the name; let them guess)
4) Tell us your earliest childhood memory.
5) What’s your favorite sport or physical activity?
6) What’s your favorite dish to cook for friends? For just you?
7) Describe the best museum/gig/play/game you've ever been to.
8) How do you like to spend a rainy day?
9) What is your favorite smell? What memory does it remind you of? 
10) What's one favorite thing you do by yourself? 
11) What's one favorite thing you do by yourself?
12) Describe your own outlook on life in six words?
13) What is your favorite book/or movie? Why? 
14) Share a quote or saying you love, that keeps you going in life? 
15) What would be a perfect afternoon for you? 
16)  Which person in your life do you most admire? Why?

(Larabie, 2012)


  1. Hi! My name is Ingrid. =) Please find below the answers to some of your questions.

    1) My favorite city in the world is San Francisco, because I grew up here and it never ceases to amaze me!

    8) One a rainy day, I love to make myself a pot of tea, curl up under a blanket with my dog and my cat, and watch movies based on Jane Austin novels.

    10) I relish my solitude, and I love to curl up with a good book. There’s nothing more relaxing!

    12) Be nice, because everyone is human.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I'm Osaro and I chose three of the provided questions!

    What's one favorite thing you do by yourself.
    I enjoy reading because it's a great way to relax and it allows the reader to learn new things.

    What is your favorite book/or movie? Why?
    I think it's very difficult to choose a favorite book or movie. There are a couple of books and movies that I enjoy. However, I do like comedy movies and autobiographies. A lot of times they are very inspiring.

    Sing a few lines of a song you love
    "There can be miracles, when you believe........."
